Party Planning is in the Bag

Party Planning is in the Bag

Party Bags are popular at parties for kids and adults. They are easy to find and are available in abundance, but I like to make my own when time permits. Guest's eyes light up with delight when they arrive to find a take away gift. The gifts don't have to be large or elaborate to make an impression. Sometimes it is the time and effort you have put into packaging the gift that they remember most. Personalizing the packaging makes it even more special. I also prefer to give a bag that serves a useful purpose beyond the initial gift giving when possible. In this instance, I knew my guests could use their canvas bags to carry books to and from the library.

Canvas bags are available at craft stores, fabric stores and online. These Darice bags are available online through Amazon, and cost less than $4.00 USD each. My bags were simple to embellish. I used a variety of permanent markers. That's it! It took about fifteen minutes to finish each one. You can be as simple or as elaborate as you wish. Channel your creative spirit!

I used a play on words to inspire my design, and have included a few ideas that may help you get your creative juices flowing.

Wood it Be?

Wood it Be?

Early American Attic

Early American Attic