Rock Steady

Rock Steady

“Rock Steady” seemed an apropos analogy for how we should navigate through this incredibly trying time and a fitting title for this project.  This project is kid approved and came to me via my nephew, Jacob.  An upside to the isolation created by COVID-19 has been an increase in FaceTime with my family.  It’s been nice to see how they’ve been passing the time while they are sheltering in place.  Jacob was excited to share his painted rocks with me on Saturday, and his rocks gave me this idea.  I’ve put an adult twist on it but, as you can see from the photos of Jacobs rocks below, it is a great project to do with kids.

I painted and adorned my rocks as talisman for my friends and family.  They are the people I have been sending extra love and optimism to for their health and well-being.  I see the rocks as a cairn of sorts, and I stack them as I mark my intentions for my loved ones each morning.  

You can use words to convey your intentions, or you can paint the rocks to look like objects and animals which remind you of the people to whom you are sending extra love.   

Smooth rocks are definitely easier to paint.  I used acrylic paint and quick dry, nail polish as well as colored pencils and felt tip markers to make mine.  Oil paint markers were difficult to control and very unforgiving.  I ended up getting the best results from alcohol based, brush tip markers and paint, then I used the colored pencils for shading and highlights.

Click on the video below.  I created a Rock Steady playlist on YouTube for your listening pleasure while you paint.  Stay strong and rock steady!

A special thanks to Jacob and Gloria for inspiring me to make this project.

A special thanks to Jacob and Gloria for inspiring me to make this project.

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