May Day Flower Puzzle

May Day Flower Puzzle

May Day is just around the corner, and I am dropping flower puzzles off at my friend’s front doors this year instead of delivering flowers. I’ve had a lot of conversations about puzzles over the past three weeks. Many of my friends are putting together puzzles to sooth anxiety and stave off boredom during this pandemic. Most of them have put together all the puzzles they had on hand, and they have started to exchange their completed puzzles with friends and family. (Don’t worry, they are all appropriately allowing the puzzles to quarantine for several days before putting them together.) This shortage of puzzles is what gave me the idea to make May Day puzzles and to share the idea with you.

You can make your own flower photo collage and have it made into a puzzle at like I did, or you can order flower puzzles from Amazon. Either way, it is a nice way to wish your friends and family well as we usher in Spring and work our way through this troubling time.

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