Pretty and Pink Quilt Canvas

Pretty and Pink Quilt Canvas

This project started with a pattern book, More Altair Design by Ensor Holiday, which I’ve been coloring in since junior high school. Its patterns allowed me to use my imagination, forced me to concentrate, and allowed me to while away long, quiet afternoons. I still love this book! It’s no longer published, but it is still available from used on Amazon.

Pattern Book - More Altair Design

Pattern Book - More Altair Design

I scanned the drawing pictured above to a desktop publishing program and applied a sketch filter. I then cropped the image, see the detail below, and saved it as a separate file (Pink Quilt Left). I duplicated that new image and flipped it horizontally. I labeled this image Pink Quilt Right. I uploaded those files to and ordered two of each image on 12” x 12” canvases with mirrored edges.


Printing two of each image will give you four canvases that match up perfectly on each side. See the images below.


I framed the grouping with washi tape to give this small arrangement a little more wall presence. Framing artwork with washi tape is ideal when decorating a room on a budget or decorating a space that will change in a few months or years. It is most practical for kid’s rooms that can change as quickly as they do. Washi tape is so versatile, and its low-tack adhesive won’t mar your walls. Give it a try.

Preserving Memories

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